Hybrid at ICPSR/GSERM June 9-13: Qualitative Bayesian Reasoning
Online or in-person at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland June 9–13, 2025, 7:00 AM-12:00 PM, ET The workshop "Qualitative Bayesian...

Call for APSA papers using qualitative Bayesian reasoning
I am organizing panels that showcase qualitative Bayesian reasoning in empirical research for the 2025 APSA conference in Vancouver. If...
Now Hybrid! ICPSR/GSERM Qualitative Bayesian Reasoning
Qualitative Bayesian Reasoning for Case Studies Instructor: Tasha Fairfield, LSE June 17, 2024 – June 21, 2024, 7:00 AM-12:00 PM, ET Now...
Qualitative Bayesian Reasoning Network
Join our new google group [QBR-net] and get connected to our community!
Learn Bayes in Switzerland this summer!
GSERM: Qualitative Bayesian Reasoning for Case Studies, June 17-21, 2024 University of St.Gallen, Switzerland Now open for applications:...
Bayes at ASPA: Virtual panels and shortcourse
The APSA Annual Meeting will feature a series of online panes that feature early career scholars who are applying Bayesian reasoning in...
Learn Bayes in July! Online course through FGV
I am teaching an online course on Bayesian reasoning (based on my book) July 10-21. It will be run through the Fundação Getulio Vargas...
Bayesian Inference + COVID origins
Read our CUP blog about Social Inquiry and Bayesian Inference and our current project on the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Now in Print!
Social Inquiry and Bayesian Inference is now available! For a 20% discount on purchase, use the code SIABI2022 at checkout.
Talk Video
Now available: "Bayesian Reasoning for Qualitative Research" Delivered to Oxford University's Department of Social Policy and...
